SFA Students Attend IPPS Southern Region 2017 Meeting
/Recently, SFA students attended the International Plant Propagators Society Southern Region in Dallas, Texas for a day of educational lectures, inspiring horticulture tours, and great networking. I asked each of them for three takeaways they had from the experience.
SFA students Anna Claire, Jade, and Laura stand in front of a pumpkin house at the Dallas Arboretum's Wonderful World of Oz.
Anna Claire:
1. I really enjoyed seeing the water retention system at Green Lake Nursery.
2. I also loved the overview and pictures of the gardens in England.
3. I enjoyed learning about different opportunities in the horticulture world and meeting people in the field.
1. The first thing that intrigued me was the student presentation over an experiment that tested whether mixing auxin with alcohol caused chemical burns to the plant. I found this interesting because it proved common conceptions to be wrong while also presenting a new reason as to why this burn happens.
2. During our trip to the Dallas Arboretum, I found the trial gardens to be exciting because we are looking at new cultivars that could possibly only be found there. There was also a luffa plant, which is my new found favorite.
3. Finally, during our tour of Southwest Perennials, I found their propagation process mesmerizing. Seeing those women pump out plugs reminded me of all the small people in the industry and how they are the most important. Without their attention to detail and efficiency the whole business would be in shambles. Overall, while the trip enlightened me on the business aspects of horticulture, it reminded me of the art of horticulture.
1. I loved visiting the Southwest Perennials farm. I liked that they stay true to their quality and products and that they work with the city and share the park area in trade.
2. I also loved the Dallas Arboretum. I plan on visiting there again and seeing the whole thing with my children.
3. I enjoyed meeting other people in the industry. It feels very like a very welcoming and genuine industry.
Pumpkins galore at the Dallas Arboretum
Jenny Wegley (second from right), Dallas Arboretum Vice President of Horticulture Operations and SFA Horticulture alumni, greeted current SFA students and Dr. Jared Barnes at the Dallas Arboretum.
Propagation house at Southwest Perennials
SFA students were able to see great attention to detail in propagation at Southwest Perennials.
Perky pansies at Green Lake Nursery.
Green Lake Nursery also specialized in various hardy succulents and xeric perennials.
Written and edited by Jared Barnes, Ph.D.